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Jesus Christ - Coming to Stay: A Look at Zechariah 14

  ‘Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven’ — Matthew 6:10 We recite this line every time we say the Lord’s Prayer. Do we understand what it means? We are asking … and declaring … that God’s kingdom is coming to earth, and that God’s will can override the will and ways of temporal earthly rulers. Just like it is in heaven.   Yet you can’t have a kingdom without a king. So in praying for the ‘kingdom to come,’ we are also implicitly asking for the Lord to come, too. Finally, you have to have a capital headquarters for the king and kingdom. Without question, it can be only one place: Jerusalem, the City of David, the City of God, and the City of the Great King (Psalm 48:2; Matthew 5:35).   Scripture is clear that God is coming to the earth. Psalm 96:13 : ' Before the LORD: for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth: he shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with his truth.’ God is going to judge the earth but not from His heavenly throne
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