Even while I am traveling internationally, a furour back in Australia has caught my attention. The Australian ‘Girl Guides,’ the female counterpart to the ‘Boys Scouts,’ has adopted a new pledge. Have a look and see for yourself: Old Promise “I promise that I will do my best: To do my duty to God, to serve the Queen and my country; To help other people; and To keep the Guide Law.” New Promise: “I promise that I will do my best: To be true to myself and develop my beliefs To serve my community and Australia And live by the Guide Law.” The major change in the promise is the removal of ‘God’ and ‘The Queen.’ This is no small omission. To understand the significant shift of emphasis reflected in this new promise, it is important to remember that Robert Baden-Powell founded the Boy Scouts in 1908, and Girl Guides in 1910 (along with his wife and sister). His goal was to instill values and character from the Bible and Christian faith. This is clearly reflected in the old promise yet ...
'The Road Ahead' looks at some of the world trends issues and future forecasts from a Biblical worldview.