Imagine this distressing scenario: before he repented, believed the gospel, and came to Christ, ‘Johnny’ was a smoker, drunkard, fornicator, liar and cheater. After his conversion, he became as a brand-new person. The old ways of life were gone completely and he became a new man. Cleansed of his worldly vices and sins, he became an ardent church-goer and zealous in sharing the gospel. Johnny had experienced a miracle of healing for himself and seen it in others, as well as other miracles. He was also filled with the Holy Spirit. So far, so good. Some time later false teachers came to the church, saying that if Johnny wanted to be ‘fully Christian,’ he had to be circumcised (not a pleasant prospect), keep the Ten Commandments including Saturday Sabbath, other other Mosaic laws. Because the proponents claimed to be quoting the Bible and spoke with dogma (don’t confuse this with divine authority - many dogmatic people only speak for themselves and not God), Johnny believed them. As ...
'The Road Ahead' looks at some of the world trends issues and future forecasts from a Biblical worldview.