Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it — Proverbs 22:6 When people are polled, the majority say that education is a top priority for them. Indeed, it should: education helps set people on the path of life. Yet, pouring more government money into education does not necessarily translate into greater outcomes or solid citizens. If we are going to see an improvement in educational standards, we need to look at the basics. Education Defined: The word apparently comes from the Latin term educo, which means to ‘ train, educate, and to lead forward. ’ Education is more than merely informing a student; it ultimately is about formation. Classical and Judaeo-Christian education helped to mould students into responsible citizens with a worldview that appreciates thinking, ethics, morality, rule of law, democratic governance, human rights, and more. Ultimately, education means enculturation. Misperceptions Number One - Teachers Only...
'The Road Ahead' looks at some of the world trends issues and future forecasts from a Biblical worldview.