Melbourne, a city that has been my home for thirty years, had protests. This is nothing new in the world’s once ‘most liveable city,’ now rated Number Eight. Sometimes Melbourne can host rowdy, even violent protests. Wasn’t it the city that tried to tear down Oral Robert’s gospel tent in 1961? Mobbed British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at Burke Street Mall in 1988? Returned the compliment to then US President George HW Bush in 1992? This time, the protestors made their views known about abortion - in the United States. They were protesting the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 US Supreme Court decision that mandated all fifty American states must provide abortion services, at least in the first trimester. The 24 June 2022 five to four ruling reversed Roe and returned the matter of abortion to the individual states to decide on their own. California and New York will continue to be major abortion states. Other states will restrict. Not just the Melbourne protestors were indignan...
'The Road Ahead' looks at some of the world trends issues and future forecasts from a Biblical worldview.