The culture war - progressivism versus conservatism - is ultimately a battle for the heart and soul of western civilisation. Some progressives seek to change the West; the more radical ones want to destroy it. To leftist, the West is viewed negatively: It represents oppressive dominant dead white men, Judaism and Christianity, old fashioned values and morality, and traditional family, along with a host of other traditions. For them, ‘ progress ’ is redefining, overhauling, or rejecting these things. To the conservative, the West, represents democracy, free market capitalism, human rights, rule of law with due process, and, most importantly, Judaeo-Christianity. It delivered us from the dark and barbaric age and made an oversized contribution to civilisation. Its continued survival, and the blessings that go with it, are at stake. Conservatism seeks to retain or ‘conserve’ the good things of the West, as well as Biblical values: traditional morality, traditional marriage, and s...
'The Road Ahead' looks at some of the world trends issues and future forecasts from a Biblical worldview.