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CULTURE WAR SERIES PART 15: Surviving and Thriving at University

Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that causeth to err from the words of knowledge — Proverbs 19:27

In learning how to respond to the civilisational culture war, what about students in universities? Are the institutions of higher education really cauldrons of radical leftist ideologies? Do they eat conservative students alive? The answer: Yes and No. It is possible as a conservative to do well in such a seemingly hostile environment (didn’t the early church thrive in the hostile first few centuries of Roman persecution?).

This author is one example: a new Christian when he went to university, his faith grew dramatically while being in an academic environment which was indifferent, contrary, and at times, critical to what he believed. His academic performance was recognised and rewarded.

Yes, it is possible to ‘survive and thrive’ at university, but keep these points in mind:

1.    Choose your university wisely: If you are a Christian, make a prayerful decision where you should go. A good reputation in your chosen major, plus in general studies, is a good place to start. Convenience and expedience should not be factors; excellence and quality are the goals. Be led of the Holy Spirit.

2.    Reality: Left-wing progressivism is the prevailing philosophy in western universities. This is can be found especially in courses labelled ‘studies’ (e.g. Native American Studies or African-American Studies or Gender Studies), in social sciences, and in humanities. Knowing this in advance is good for you; for when you understand a situation, you are half-way towards a solution (Proverbs 4:7);

3.    Choose your major wisely: Some university majors are more susceptible to subjective bias than others. Economics, science, and even politics are more even-handed majors. There are professors who will teach their subjects objectively, regardless of their worldview - seek them out;

4.    Find like-minded faculty and students: When you are in the minority, wisdom decree that you find allies among the faculty and students who share much, if not all, of your worldview. Such alliances will prove useful during your studies, especially for support and note-sharing;’

5.    Choose your battles carefully: Don’t be in the habit or looking for someone to argue with. Chances of changing their minds are slim and it just wastes time and energy. Only when you must contend with a progressive should you go out to battle. Also, if you find an honest progressive who is willing to calmly and patiently listen to an opposing view - they are rare but worth the dialogue. As the saying goes, keep your gun powder dry for the battles that really matter;

6.    Self-control: This is part of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:23). There is something respectable, even noble, about a person who stays calm and in control, reasonable and respectful. Proverbs 17:28: Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding. Once you lose your temper - you lose. Tantrums are not a mark of authority; they are the sign of immaturity and will cause you to lose. You will have a better listening audience if you keep cool. So be prepared, and then calmly, firmly, and authoritatively state your case.

7.    Know where you stand: If you are unfairly treated, especially for what you believe, then know your rights. There are bodies in the university to which you can appeal or from which you can get arbitration. This can be the case when facing issues of religious freedom, freedom of speech, or academic integrity. This author recalls an A-average student who was failed in a subject by a progressivist professor who disliked her views. The student learned that she had the right of appeal. So that right was exercised and the student passed with a high mark;

8.    Integrity: Those students who work and study with integrity will be respected, even if they are conservatives. Do the right thing: study hard, use the best sources, do quality work, show passion for what you believe and do. Remember that your minority status can be an asset, not a liability, because it can spur you on to try harder, think critically, and come up with great insights. Don’t fall for a ‘victim mentality.’ This will imprison more than any penitentiary. While you might feel outnumbered, like a ‘Daniel in the lion’s den’ and a ‘babe in Babylon,’ you will come forth as gold.


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