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Evangelical Christians & Donald Trump: Part 4

This is the fourth part of a series regarding American evangelicals and Donald Trump. This is the voting bloc that made possible his unlikely 2016 election win for the American presidency. While most evangelicals support him, there is a vocal minority who do not - the magazine Christianity Today is one of them.
 Are they being principled and Biblical? Or are they judgemental and drifting to the left?
 In addition, it is important to understand the bigger picture, which transcends Donald Trump. 
The Culture War
 Removing prayer from school. Abortion on demand. Redefining marriage and gender. Legalising cannabis. A ‘make-it-up-as-you-go’ morality. Enlarging the size of government and watching the deficit grow as a result. All this, and more, is part of the great cultural civil war of the western world that has been waged since the 1960s. In short, this war is where the left-leaning secular progressives-cultural marxists invaded the power bases of traditional values, Judea-Christian heritage in order to install their leftist utopia. What is at stake is the survival of western civilisation as we know it, with its freedoms, human rights, technological achievements, democracy, rule-of-law, and the rest.

The left, thanks in part to their incursion into the public school systems since the 1930s, has dominated academia, the media, key political parties, judiciary, and other organs of culture. They have successfully resisted the conservative counterattack — until now.

Donald Trump is now launching a potent assault on progressivism, political correctness, identity politics, open borders, unfair trade practices, and more. Amazingly, like Samson of old (flawed but strong), he is fighting this battle on all his own. Victor Davis Hanson, in his article Trump wages war on progressive culture – Dems respond with Trump Derangement Syndrome Hanson, says:

President Trump is waging a nonstop, all-encompassing war against progressive culture, in magnitude analogous to what 19th-century Germans once called a “Kulturkampf.

In short, Donald Trump has become American’s first war-time President in the culture war. His weapons? A microphone and twitter feed. He has taken on the elite postmodern progressive culture by attacking Planned Parenthood, NATO, radical greenies, Antifa, US universities, Democratic and Republican opponents, Silicon Valley monopolies, World Health Organisation, radical Democrats & their ‘Green New Deal,’ Hollywood, and his favourite target: The media, especially CNN, the Washington Post, and The New York Times.

If we lived in normal times, or civilisation was not at stake, Trump would probably not have run for President. But these are not normal times and when you’re in the midst of a serious civilisational conflict, you need a leader who is a strong fighter. In this light, his temperament can be an asset. This New York business man confronted corrupt politicians, mafia, and ruthless competitors; thus he can take this fight to the next level.

History’s great warriors may not have been saintly, savoury, refined, or ‘nice,’ and they often had outsized flaws (examples: Ulysses S. Grant and General George Patten), but the one thing they all have in common: they fought a good fight and won their wars. Failure to do so would have destroyed civilisation. This is something serious and sincere ‘Never-Trumpers’ need to budget into the equation.

In the end, whether you are a never-Trumper, ever-Trumper, or somewhere in-between, remember to honour the Creator by obeying His word in I Timothy 2:1-2: I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

When you obey God’s Word, you can’t go wrong.


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