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Culture War Vocabulary Part 02

The culture war continues to rage. It is the cultural battle between the left-leaning progressives and traditional values conservatives. Abortion, same-sex marriage, global warming, identity politics, the environment, and much more form the landscape of the battle ground. What is at stake is nothing less than the survival of western civilisation as we know it.

This war is fought more by words than by weapons. Progressives have been very adept at using words to advance their cause. A good example of this was employing the term ‘marriage equality’ to promote the cause of same-sex marriage in the west. What catch phrase did the traditional marriage people have?

Semantics is about the ‘meaning of words’ and we need to use it properly in order to be understood. Sometimes, however, it can be used to mislead, or even to deceive.

Here are some interesting use of words:

‘Undocumented workers’ is a progressive term, which can also mean ‘illegal alien’ to the conservative;
A ‘holiday tree’ is another name for Christmas tree;

‘Happy holidays’ and ‘Compliments of the Season’ are meant to replace ‘Merry Christmas,’ so as not to offend non-Christians in the West (even though many non-Christians enjoy Christmas, in and out of the West.

‘Reproductive rights’ is synonymous with abortion rights;

Opposing a progressive in the White House in Washington, Number 10 Downing Street in London, the Lodge in Canberra, or other citadels of political power, is called ‘opposition;’

Opposing a conservative in the citadels of power is called ‘resistance;’

A person who wants to retain the traditional definition of marriage is called a ‘bigot,’ ‘hater,’ and/or ‘homophobe;’

Accepting and supporting the left’s agenda is ‘tolerance;’

Standing for traditional values is called ‘intolerance;’

Opposing the agenda of a radical, identity-politics based group is called ‘racist;’

Opposing the agenda of the new-fangled feminists is ‘sexist;’

When you want lower taxes so as to keep more of the money you earn, that’s called ‘greed;’

‘Climate change’ and ‘global warming’ are used as apocalyptic terms, demanding massive government intervention and wealth redistribution. Even to question the science on this matter, a person will be branded a ‘climate-change denier,’ which is highly pejorative;

When workers are taxed to fund the entitlement of others, that is called ‘paying your fair share;’

Paradoxically, in order to ‘celebrate diversity,’ progressives demand conformity;

Any viewpoint that is non-progressive is called ‘hate speech;’

Traditional justice is getting what you really deserve, reward or punishment, without fear or favour.

Yet social justice is getting what you did not earn or do not deserve, and that can be a form of blatant favouritism.

Can you now see how manipulative and emotive these, and other terms, can be? No wonder people feel intimidated to speak out, even if they are fair-minded people with no malice in their hearts. They can be bullied and slandered for not towing the line. It is nothing short of character assassination and a vicious violation of the ninth of the Ten Commandments to ‘not bear false witness against thy neighbour.’

Such phrases as these, and more, repeated again and again, have the ability to change thinking, which can result in a changed culture. The unthinkable becomes eminently possible once the normal meaning of words are replaced with catchy, trendy, ‘feel good’ slogans.

This is so even if the new celebrated phrase is misleading, meaningless, or has no connection to reality. No wonder the major cultural organs of society like the media, academia, judiciary, and entertainment industry, have been dominated by the progressives, even though it has been clearly shown that the implementation of their agenda does not work.

Words matter.

What can we do? Ultimately, as we will see later, the backbone of the cultural war and the real opposing sides are not visible flesh and blood people but spiritual principalities, powers, and forces of darkness in high heavenly places (see Ephesians 6:12). The Marxist, feminist, Islamist, and wild-eyed far-left progressive may be antagonistic of your values and/or personhood, but they are not your real enemy. They are objects of God’s love and candidates for the gospel (and, thank God, some of them have responded).

So the impetus of the culture war is spiritual. Spiritual solutions are what are in order. We will learn more about these solutions in Part Four.

The Age of Fools

Ultimately, the manipulation of word meanings and the real legacy of the culture war has led us into a ‘strange age.’ This is where the normal, common-sense, Judeo-Christian values have been replaced with things that neither make sense or work. Consider the following:

   Good is called evil and evil is called good;

   The exception is the rule;

   Fantasy is chosen over facts;

   Rhetoric is deemed more valuable than reality;

   Charisma is cherished more than character;

   Style is preferred over substance;

   Minority rules - and to hell with the welfare of the majority;

   Individual rights trump community welfare;

   The abnormal is declared normal and normal is treated like a disease;
   Intolerance has now become the ‘new tolerance’ & classic tolerance is relegated to the museum;

   Nonsense is now the new ‘common sense,’ while true ‘common sense’ has been beaten senseless, surviving on a life-support machine, and the knob is about to be turned off.

Had King Solomon, author of most of the Book of Proverbs, lived today, he might have had a different description for this era: the ‘Age of Fools.’ If this is the case - and the evidence seems clear - then we need to scurry back to a pathway of wisdom if we are going to have any hope of a decent future.

(The above article is taken from Today/Tomorrow by Kameel Majdali).


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