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2019: What Lies Ahead? Part 01

‘Brexit,’ ‘National Elections,’ ‘Syrian withdrawal,’ ‘Trump & the Democrats,’ by all accounts, 2019 promises to be an eventful year. Respected conservative Los Angeles radio personality Dennis Prager wrote an insightful article entitled ‘The Left Will Make 2019 a Dark Year.’ We will refer to his article later (and the URL is included), however, we can view 2019 from the prism of 3 cities and the world: London, Jerusalem, and Washington DC. Here’s what to watch for:

LONDON: As stated in our separate article, Brexit is the single-most important event in modern British history since the end of the Second World War. It ramifications affect not only the United Kingdom, but also Europe and the world. For all practical purposes, ‘Brexit’ or ‘British - exit’ from the European Union (EU) is a divorce. Even under the most amicable conditions, divorces are almost never pain-free. Since the June 2016 EU ‘Brexit’ referendum, the British people have more or less accepted that their nation will exit the EU. Will their elected politicians be able to deliver that outcome, and with a reduced amount of pain? Watch this space.

JERUSALEM: This 4,000 year old city with a colourful history and a unique sanctity among the monotheistic religions is almost never out of the spotlight. It is the rope of a geo-political tug-o-war between various parties, including Israel, Palestinians, the United Nations, European Union, the Vatican, the United States, Russia, Orthodox Church, and Muslim world. All these parties have a say - and ‘veto’ - over the future status of the holy city. None of these factors stopped US President Donald Trump of declaring American recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the embassy there. At present, there are more urgent matters in the Middle East, including the wars in Syria and Yemen, the destabilisation of Libya, Shia-Iran’s rising hegemony.

Remarkably, after 70 years of boycotts, non-recognition, and on-off warfare, the Sunni Arab world is connecting with their long time nemesis. Why is the Arab world embracing Israel? Answer: To help them counter Shia-Iran’s growing influence in the region, particularly in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen. Iran’s growing presence in Syria and her proxy Hizballah’s menacing activities (e.g. building tunnels at under Israel’s northern border) are things to watch. Also, Israel will have a national election in 2019 and current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the front-runner - for now.

WASHINGTON: Like a ‘bull in the china shop,’ a ‘cat among the pigeons,’ or, better still, a ‘Samson among the Philistines,’ US President Donald Trump presides over an exceptionally eventful administration. Despite much media attention, most of it negative, most people in and out of the United States don’t seem to understand what’s happening or why. Mr. Trump, after pulled off the most amazing upset victory in modern US presidential history, came to the White House as a total political outsider committed to the agenda of ‘Making America Great Again.’ As a non-career, non-establishment politician, he is not playing ‘politics as usual.’ His is an ambitious agenda: restore American leadership economically, militarily, and, yes, morally. The resistance against him is unprecedented in modern American history.

What we are seeing is not ‘politically partisanship’ — it is war. And Mr. Trump is fighting on at least two-fronts. First is the local war in Washington DC establishment: career politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, as well as the entrenched bureaucracy, see Trump upsetting the status quo, which is good for them but bad for the country through corruption, trillions of dollars of debt, weakened military, and unravelling moral structure.

The other front is the culture war, which this Issachar Teaching eLetter has been addressing for months. This once conspicuously Christian nation has been assaulted with sexual anarchy, courtesy of the sexual revolution; war on marriage, family, and gender, and disregard for the 10 Commandments and the Scriptures. Even though Mr. Trump will turn 73 on June 14th, he shows no signs of backing away from the fight of his life.

Overturning elections: In 2016, there were two upset elections: the UK’s EU Referendum on 23 June and Donald Trump’s election on November 8th. These outcomes were not expected and the reaction from the left was outrage, even hysterical. There are forces in both countries trying to overturn these results.

In Britain, there are voices to have a ‘second EU referendum,’ in the hope that the electorate might change its minds. In the United States, you can’t have an election straight after the previous one, just because you don’t like the results. So instead of waiting for the next presidential election in November 2020, the Democrats are seeking to remove Donald Trump from office in 2019 by impeachment. Understand that both actions are undermine democracy. Those who value traditional western freedoms should strongly resist such moves.

Dennis Prager in his article ‘The Left Will Make 2019 a Dark Year’ warns that the mainstream media and the Democratic controlled House of Representatives are also going to war in 2019 against Donald Trump. Their goal is his impeachment. Expect the House to issue subpoenas, launch ‘investigations,’ demand ‘tax returns,’ ‘transcripts,’ and a raft of documents. The media will offer ‘exposes,’ ‘breaking news,’ and ‘bombshells.’ It will be an on-going melodrama which will distract from all vital issues, hoping to weaken and remove the 45th President of the United States. US House Majority Leader and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has sent mixed signals about impeaching President Trump, but there can be little doubt that if something which looked plausible came up, she would seize it. Prager continues:

Compared with almost any country, America is freer; gives its people more opportunities to economically advance; is less racist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic … this coming year, the left, the Democratic Party and the media will continue purveying the lie that the Trump administration is fascist, racist and authoritarian and poses a mortal threat to American democracy … The road to Democrat victories (in 2020 & beyond) lies in convincing women, blacks, Hispanics, Jews and young people to be as unhappy, ungrateful and angry as possible -- in the greatest country ever made.



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