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What To Do When God Calls: Understanding the Call of God Part 04

Romans 12:1-2: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 2And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God

It is one of the most important events of one’s life: the moment a person recognises that they have been ‘called of God.’ It is like a conscription notice into the Lord’s army. Such people are in good company - Jesus says that ‘many are called’ (Matthew 22:14). That’s the easy part. However, how do we attain to the second and more important part of the statement: ‘but few are chosen’? How to we go from merely ‘called’ to gloriously ‘chosen?’ More specifically, how do we practically respond to the call of God?

First, understand that this is about the most important thing you can do, apart from accepting Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. Every other weighty decision of your life, including where to live, what profession to pursue, who to marry, will all be affected with how you respond to God’s call.

The good news is that God’s Word is not just precepts and inspiriting stories, important as they are. It also full of practical application tips so that if you follow them through, you will be a candidate for life-change.

The above verses from Romans 12 help us in this regard. Let’s see what we can glean:

1.       Mercies of God: This practical passage follows right after the great treatise on God and Israel, Romans 9-11. It speaks how God desires to show mercy on us all. Now, in light of God’s great mercy, the very least you can do is give Him everything you have, including your body as a living sacrifice.

2.       Present your bodies: This speaks of ‘consecration,’ dedicating yourself and your body to the cause of Christ and His kingdom. It matters less where the consecration takes place - at the church altar, at the pew, or even in your home - as much as the sincerity and single-mindedness of heart when coming forward. This author responded to a call to serve God overseas when he was 21. It was at the church altar. Though sincerely done, he did not really expect anything to happen. It did. Within months, he was heading overseas and has been so ever since. In such consecration, your whole body is dedicated to God. Your hands will be used for service, your legs feet will be graced with the gospel of peace, your arms will empty strength to work, your mouth will speak wise words, seasoned with salt. No longer is your body to be used for carnal purposes; it now belongs rightly to God.

3.       Living sacrifice: Normally, the act of sacrifice results in the death of the object of sacrifice, whether it is of bulls, goats, pigeons, doves, or of Jesus Christ Himself. However, a living sacrifice speaks of self-denial and daily cross-bearing (Luke 9:23), while simultaneously being fully alive to God. Indeed, the consecrated, Spirit-filled person should be more alive, vibrant, empowered, and energetic, than ever-before.


4.       Forget the world: In response to the call of God, we need to learn how to turn our backs on the world. This phrase ‘the world’ can be misunderstood. We are not talking about planet earth, with the beautiful trees, waterways, terrain, and skies. Instead, it has to do with the cosmos, the worldly government order or system, under the immediate command of fallen humanity but ultimately under satanic influence. The Bible teaches that the whole world lies under the wicked one XXX; Satan is ‘prince’ XXX and ‘god’ XXX of this world. Scripture condemns friendship with the world, which is rightly considered enmity towards God (XXXX). For those who crave to be ‘relevant’ with the world, be very careful: you cannot please God and the world, anymore than you can serve God and mammon XXX. Therefore, in responding to God’s call to become a living sacrifice, Paul gives us a straightforward command: Do not conform to the world. If we insist in thinking, acting, speaking and supporting the world’s agenda, we are of no use to God. If we repudiate these things, we become useable and fruitful.

5.       Renew the mind: Responding to the call of God promises transformation - we will be like new people. Such transformation comes by the renewal of our minds. We will be like the thoughts we think or as scripture teaches, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he XXX). Renewal of the mind is like a detox and reprogramming of our thoughts. This takes time and discipline. Four ways to renew the mind include: 1) The Word of God - memorise in your mind, retain in your heart, confess with your mouth; 2) The cross of Christ. Embracing the cross, as Paul did (Galatians 6:14?), means you will relinquish bad thoughts and they will be replaced with good. 3) The Holy Spirit will help you think new thoughts; let Him lead you in this area; 4) Christian fellowship - you will be like the company you keep (Proverbs 13:20?), so make sure you are with people who ‘fear the Lord,’ have the right priorities, and will be a positive influence on you (and vice-versa)

6.       Understand God’s Will: If you will follow through with all the above mentioned steps, the greatest benefit is divine direction. A world-denying, renewed mind will be in an optimal position to discern God’s good, acceptable, and perfect will. Furthermore, you will be able to seek God and exercise your faith to obtain the provision necessary to fulfil His will. Then ‘write the vision,’ make it plain, so whoever reads it will run with it (habakkuk). Once you know God’s will, write it down, put the appropriate Scripture promises with it, and confess these passages to the Lord. You will be amazed when God’s will comes to pass before your eyes. But no wonder, you laid the groundwork with proper consecration, totally on God’s terms.

God bless you.
NOTE: in summary, do what every you can to draw close to God, knowing He will drove close to you in return. James 4:8


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