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Winning the Spiritual War Part 03: Slaying the Giants

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places
- Ephesians 6:12 (ESV).

In Part 01 we were introduced to the topic of spiritual warfare. We learned from Scripture that the Christian life is a walk of faith. It also is a constant fight. It is not a battle we have chosen but it is one we must fight to win. 

Strong temptations are often more a sign of great grace, than of little grace.

The forces of darkness do not rest and neither should we. Souls and nations are at stake. So the sooner we understand the problem and take up our spiritual equipment, the better off we will be. 

The changes, challenges, conflicts and chaos we see on Earth are merely the proxy war of what is happening in the heavens. Deal with the heavenly adversaries and it will bring a breakthrough here below.

If you want to read Part 01, click this link:


In Part 02, we will look at the practical side of how to fight in spiritual warfare and win.

  • Watch and Pray: This is a constant command for last days living (Matthew 26:41; Mark 13:33, 35, 37). Here Paul tells us to pray in the Spirit and watch with perseverance at all times. Ephesians 6:18: Pray in the Spirit always and watch continuously with perseverance for the welfare of all saints. 

The divine command to ‘watch and pray’ means that prayer should be a regular part of your lifestyle (see 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18).

It is a healthy exercise to memorise and invoke each weapon when entering into a deep time of prayer.

If you want to read Part 02, click on one of the following links:


In Martin Luther’s hymn, A Mighty Fortress, it says

The Prince of Darkness grim

We tremble not for him.

His rage we can endure.

For lo, his doom is sure,

One little word shall fell him.

Slaying Giants

David and Goliath: The story of David and Goliath is a metaphor for spiritual warfare. This famous story found in 1 Samuel 17 is not just for Sunday school but serves as a template for all believers today. David, youngest son of Jesse of Bethlehem and future king of Israel, was willing to do what neither his brothers, king, or army of Israel were not: confront the Philistine giant Goliath of Gath. This monster of a man was well-armed and an experienced soldier. David was a teenage shepherd with only a slingshot and five smooth stones. Each stone represents an essential character trait that helped this adolescent underdog come out on top. All references are from 1 Samuel.

First Stone - Conviction: David heard the taunts and insults of Goliath and asked: ‘Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God (17:26)? It’s time we live by our convictions. Breaking News: The ‘new normal’ is not ‘normal’ but abnormal; it’s time for a ‘Davidic pushback.’. Living by your convictions will bolster your integrity and credibility. It is a powerful weapon in the spiritual war.

Second Stone - Courage: God told Joshua repeatedly to ‘be strong and of a good courage.’ It is a divine command to be obeyed. The basis of our courage is the presence of God with us. David encouraged his people: ‘Let no man’s heart fail him for fear’ (17:32-36).

Third Stone - Faith (17:37): The basis of David’s faith that he would be victorious over Goliath was God’s past faithfulness. Through God’s enablement, young David slew a lion and a bear. These victories help him confess by faith that Goliath was following in the steps of the slain lion and bear. 

Fourth Stone - God’s Name (17:45): David called out Goliath by saying the giant was going to battle with a sword, spear, and shield -  not to mention his hardened and experienced ‘big body.’ Yet young David had a far more powerful weapon: the name of the Lord. God’s Name, rightly utilised, will bring down giants and save the soul (Acts 4:12).

Fifth Stone - The Anointing: This is the final and indispensable tool (16:13). Though relatively young, the prophet Samuel anointed David, son of Jesse, to be the next Israelite king after the reign of Saul. After he was anointed with oil, the Holy Spirit was on David from that time onwards. Though his anointing spawned the animosity of King Saul, David had continuous power to slay giants and adversaries for the rest of his life and God protected him from all harm and danger.

The great spiritual battle of our day can only be fought and won by the spiritual weaponry God provides His church. It’s time to report for duty.



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